
Vibrant health is our birthright.  Regular massage is a way to minimize the high cost of healthcare by reducing stress and tension, and reestablishing flow.  Everything in your body is in flow.  Being alive is being in flow.  Tension puts a stop to flow and creates stagnation which leads to pain or disease.  

Tension is created whenever you push yourself to accomplish something, doing a repetitive activity, or sitting, standing,or driving all day.  You slowly become a human machine rather than a human being---with all its accompanying hardness.    

Physical activity can also make you feel tight or dense.  Muscles  and joints don't work comfortably if they are in constant tension.  As you age, muscle tension literally determines the shape of your body (posture) and hinders your movement through space.

I naturally feel energy when I work and am able to unwind tension patterns (to the degree that you can let go) and physically pull--shift and smooth your tissue back to where it's more comfortable.  

 Massage is a way to let go of the past and feel rejuvenation of being present.