Energy Reading & Healing

Everything that has the appearance of a 3-D object is actually a vibration of energy----including you. 

 We call this vibration of energy that is you: spirit.  Energy readings and healings look at what is happening for you as spirit on an energy level with the added opportunity to move energy that is not "you" out of your space.  I am using a psychic or intuitive tool  called clairvoyance to do this.  I can look at either certain formats such  as an aura reading, past lives, etc. or you can ask a series of questions.

 Healing means that I would be removing energy from your space that doesn't serve your highest good or path.  This allows more of you energy to be in your space which is actually a relief for your body.

I am in a light trance and sitting opposite you when I read.  There is no  physical contact and I am looking at your energy body in my mind's eye.  This is similar to looking at one TV screen but being able to see various scenes by turning the channel.

Energy readings and healings are an opportunity to let your true self come through.  Whatever changes happen on an energy level percolate through to the physical sometimes in subtle ways--sometimes obvious.

If there are repeating patterns in your life that are confusing to you, or  relationships that aren't smooth,  or ways that your life goals aren't    manifesting, then an energy reading and healing is a way to refresh your  space so that your own information can come through to guide you.

Readings and healings can also help with recurring body pain, which is usually  stuck energy.  And it can validate your own intuition helping to strengthen your own psychic tools.  It can allow you to operate off your own thoughts  and feelings rather than those of other people.

        This is the same as being present which is our place of power.